02 July 2015 // Sanne Schrijver //Amersfoort
Love has been a topic for centuries for all types of artists. It’s the most obvious topic to rest the artistic originality from an artist. Who needs originality when there’s love? That well-known story, shared by us all, never gets out of fashion. The love story can be told in all kinds of ways.
Alec Soth’s photobook “Looking for Love, 1996” is just one of these great love stories in black and white. Soth made the images 19 years ago, but the book was published in 2012. Soth takes us back to the time of the beginning, the time when everything is still open and exciting, when everything gently falls into place. It’s a book about searching, about curiosity and intuitive approach to people and their stories. It’s about falling in love with his pictures that opens insights to worlds that would otherwise stay hidden; intensive and haunting like an everlasting night at the bar. It’s a great story about the search of love guided by the heart and the search of love guided by the eye.