23 September 2014 // Serena Asselman //Rotterdam
Meanwile not at the office, my husband and I enjoyed a few days in Barcelona.
With not so much time, we tried to avoid the tourist must-sees. And just enjoy and relax in the city of Barcelona, the beach, palmtrees, sunkissed buildings, small streets, mojito's, seafood and the lovely taste of fruit and vegtables that grow in the sun. We stayed in a nice appartment on Paral-lel that is close to the mountain, which we climed when the sun was down to enjoy the beautiful overview over the city. Running into friends seems a thing that we can't avoid, first night out we ran into a friend at the liquor store and joined for some drinks at 'MACBA' the most loved skate spot of Europe. Ofcourse Tim decided to join his friends for a few days to skate a little, this gave me the opertunatie to do some Spanish shopping which I didn't mind at all. Meeting the boys after shopping I realised that I do am a shoppaholic, my intention was to shop less and save some money but I unfortunately failed. The next day we went to the beach but this jacket I saw while shopping was on my mind constant, I packed my beach stuff and returned to the citycentre to buy my jacket and close the shopping chapter. Ofcourse I brought my camera and found the time to shoot some pictures of this lovely city that is covered in sunshine all summer long. Totaly relaxed bronzed and with my new treasures we returned to Holland, back to reality.